Terms and conditions
Article 1 - Preamble
The following articles define the general conditions of sale of SAS AST FRANCE and the use of its website RENVOICOLIS.COM. It is recalled that SAS AST FRANCE is a commercial intermediary between the user (hereinafter named buyer) and the French and foreign e-commerce sites (hereinafter called seller). These general conditions of sale and use (hereinafter referred to as CGVU) of sale, however, only concern the buyer. The AST FRANCE SAS with a capital of 11000 euros Renvoi Colis, is registered in the trade and companies register of NIMES (SIRET 818 250 599 000 11).
Article 2 - Scope of the general conditions
2-1. Object and delimitation of the CGVU The CGVUs define the terms of service provision and between AST FRANCE and any natural or legal person interested in these services. The provision of a support website was an integral part of the services of the company AST FRANCE, any registration is therefore for acceptance without reservation of the CGVU. 2-2. Current version of the CGVU The present CGVU can be modified retroactively and without notice by simple update of the site. It is therefore recommended to any user to regularly consult this page. The version of the CGVU currently in force, overwrites and replaces all previous versions.
Article 3 - Renvoi Colis offers
AST FRANCE undertakes to receive, group and re-ship parcels on behalf of its customers according to the services chosen. 3-1. Receipt of parcels AST FRANCE undertakes to receive parcels for its customers provided that the address entered by the customer is accurate so that the package can be assigned to the right customer. AST FRANCE can not be held responsible for the incapacity in which it would be to receive and thus deliver a package in case of error of seizure on the part of the customer. AST FRANCE can not be held responsible for the condition in which packages are received even if they have obvious external damage or missing items. 3-2 Grouping parcels AST FRANCE undertakes to bundle the buyer's parcels to minimize shipping costs as far as possible. In addition, bulky packages (more than 100 cm long, or 150 cm <length + width + length <200 cm) and oversized (length + width + height> 200 cm) can never be grouped together. 3-3. Repackaging and storage of packages By using the Return of Parcels services, the buyer authorizes AST FRANCE to open all the parcels delivered to his name at Parcel Return and to repackage them if necessary. If an additional cost or a discount should apply following the repackaging operations, the buyer would be warned at the time of the final modification of the order. Refund or additional billing should be paid upon validation of the order. Packages are stored free of charge within a maximum of 180 days from their date of repackaging. A guard charge of € 30 will be charged for the period from 181st to the 191st working day. A new € 30 fee will be charged for the period from the 191st to the 200th working day. From the 200th working day, the package will be considered abandoned. An abandoned package will be withdrawn by SAS AST FRANCE from its normal distribution circuit and blocked until payment by the customer of all charges already charged and a flat fee of 150 €. In the absence of payment, the package will be systematically released one calendar year after the date of receipt to be auctioned or destroyed, as stipulated in the legislation.
3-4. Shipping of the package
In order to minimize the risk of customs blocking, a package can only be shipped once SAS AST FRANCE is able to attach an invoice for the product in the package. It is therefore the responsibility of the buyer to communicate as soon as possible his invoice by email to the address forwarding@live.fr. However, the SAS AST FRANCE does not guarantee the proper passage of the packages it ships for customs: it remains entirely up to the buyer to ensure that his product complies with the standards and restrictions in force. Packages will be shipped after payment of the service and shipping costs. Packages will be shipped to the address provided by the user.
3-5. Billing and payment
The prices in force on the day of the order are indicated on the site renvoicolis.com; whether it is the price of the service provided by the SAS AST FRANCE or the amount of the participation in the charges of ports applied (varying according to, the dimensions and the weight retained of the parcel, of its destination and the modalities of shipments) SAS AST FRANCE also reserves the right to charge non-compliance surcharges for any anonymous, bulky, unstable or oversized parcel receipt at the rates indicated by the renvoicolis.com website. Payment is done upon receipt of the invoice by Paypal, CB or transfer. In accordance with the laws in force in the French Republic, penalties for late payment and a lump sum of 40 € are automatically due the day following the payment date mentioned on the invoice. The annual rate of late fees is 12%.
3-6. Liability and guarantees
The commitment of the SAS AST FRANCE ends with the shipment of the parcel. The company is therefore not affected by any customs duties and taxes that are entirely at the expense and discretion of the buyer. In the same way, the buyer will have to manage alone his possible absence at the time of the delivery (the parcel will be left on guard at the local post office for 10 days). The SAS AST FRANCE is not responsible if a parcel had to be returned or if storage costs were to be charged, if the customer does not withdraw his parcel from the services of Post or our Freight partners. In case of loss of the package, the SAS AST FRANCE undertakes to make a refund of 23 euros per kilogram if the customer has not subscribed to the proposed insurance that allow the buyer, a full refund in case of loss or severe deterioration of his package. SAS AST FRANCE also reserves the right to assign the package to a specific carrier in order to best preserve it during its transportation.
Article 4 - Return and disputes
4-1. Return - Anomaly concerning the delivery or the parcel The buyer has the obligation to check the conformity of the goods delivered at the time of delivery before signing the delivery note. Any anomaly concerning the delivery (damage, missing product compared to the delivery note, damaged parcel, package containing a different goods than the one ordered, withholding the parcel at the airport) must imperatively be indicated on the delivery note, accompanied by the signature of the buyer. The buyer must confirm this anomaly to SAS AST FRANCE, within 24 hours of the delivery date, by sending a Registered Mail with Acknowledgment of receipt or email with acknowledgment of receipt, exposing the said claims to the following address: REFERENCE PARCEL 1018 Route of the Stopover Bat B3 30390 DOMAZAN renvoi@live.fr
4-2. Back - Goods anomaly If the delivery has taken place normally and the package contains the goods ordered, the returns are not to be sent to the SAS AST FRANCE but directly to the merchant site of origin. In case of receipt of such returns, the SAS AST FRANCE offers free return of the parcel if it is an error of the merchant site. If, on the other hand, it involves a change of customer's opinion, the return made to SAS AST FRANCE will be treated and billed as an ordinary receipt.
4-3. Dispute Resolution The parties will seek an amicable agreement in case of dispute. If this is not possible, the dispute will be subject to French law, each party giving exclusive jurisdiction to the competent courts.
Article 5 - Provision of the site
5-1. Free and limited service The Website is accessible free to all users with Internet access. All costs related to the access of this service are exclusively the responsibility of the user. AST FRANCE is not required to guarantee quality access to the service and can not be held responsible for any malfunction of the network or servers or any other event beyond reasonable control, which would prevent or degrade access to the service. AST FRANCE reserves the right to interrupt, temporarily suspend or modify, without notice, access to all or part of the service, in order to maintain it, or for any other reason, without interrupting it. right to no obligation or compensation.
5.2 - Confidentiality rules Pursuant to Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, it is recalled that the personal data that are requested from the buyer are necessary for the processing of his order and the establishment of invoices. The buyer has, in accordance with the national and European regulations in force, a permanent right of access, modification, rectification and opposition regarding the information concerning him. AST FRANCE also undertakes not to disclose the personal data made available to any public or private body not concerned. AST FRANCE is nevertheless authorized to keep them in computer memory and to communicate them to the legal persons of its group, its insurers, to a court or any competent administrative authority, even to thirds for management needs. 5.3 - Responsibility All the elements of the site www.renvoicolis.com, are the exclusive property of the AST FRANCE SAS. Any reproduction of the photographs will be prosecuted. Hypertext links to sites other than that of www.renvoicolis.com, do not engage the responsibility of the SAS AST FRANCE in case of non-compliance by these sites of legal or regulatory provisions in force. For any problem that you will encounter, please contact the persons in charge of the site in question.
Article 6 - Retraction
The buyer has, in accordance with the provisions of Article L 121-20 of the Consumer Code, a withdrawal period of 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery of the products to return them to the seller to end of exchange, have or refund, provided that the products are returned in perfect condition. In other words, the withdrawal period of the buyer runs on 14 (fourteen) days from the receipt of his parcel by AST FRANCE. Acceptance of these conditions of sale is a declaration of full information on this point, the SAS AST FRANCE can not be held responsible for a retraction too late from the buyer. We remind you for information that the cost of return will be the sole responsibility of the buyer, in accordance with Article L121-21 of the Consumer Code. The exchange or refund will be made within 30 days from the receipt by the seller of the items returned by the buyer. SAS AST FRANCE undertakes to return the item as soon as possible upon receipt of a copy of the withdrawal letter from the buyer and payment of the return costs incurred.
Article 7 - Terms of the contract
7.1 - Signature of the contract In application of article l124 of the Civil Code, the user declares to have the capacity to contract under the conditions described below, that is to say to be emancipated minor or to have legal majority and not to be protected within the meaning of Article 488 of the Civil Code. The user guarantees the veracity and accuracy of the information provided to the different departments of AST FRANCE SAS. The user declares to have taken full knowledge and accepted without reservation these CGVU By accepting said CGVU, the buyer also declares himself satisfied with the (pre) contractual information provided by SAS AST FRANCE and waives in particular the delivery of a paper version.
7.2 - Duration and end of contract The contract made by accepting the present CGVU runs until the unsubscription or banishment of the buyer of the return parcels site. The unsubscription and the ban constitute unilateral terminations, without notice or motivation necessary, and without compensation due other than the balance of the account of the buyer. For information, AST FRANCE reserves the right to ban a buyer in the following cases: - Violation of these CGVU - Damage to the reputation of AST FRANCE - Payment incident - No customer response greater than one quarter - Use of services in a context contrary to French or European law If, thirty calendar days after termination, the buyer has not paid his account, AST FRANCE reserves the right to apply the late payment and collection charges stipulated in article 3.4. If, sixty calendar days after termination, the account is still not settled, AST FRANCE reserves the right to definitively close the account and to destroy related items still in its possession.